Credits Project

Movies and TV rarely use their settings as more than a backdrop. The common cliché is “New York/Los Angeles/etc. is the main character” of a particular story, but it’s true. Cities and locations can reveal more about the story than just being set there for tax credits. I got inspired by The Bear S1E7 introductory credits because it nails the spirit of the show, Chicago, and its characters in a way that most other shows and movies do not. (I’ve also always wanted the job of picking songs for movie trailers.) So while I’m looking for a job (and to teach myself Adobe Premiere), I reimagined some movies and shows as a sort of trailer/intro credits/music video that celebrate a city. You’ll see what I mean.

Dirty Harry

I visited San Francisco once but immediately fell in love with it. Beneath the fog lies “the cool grey city of love.” There are so many (negative) opinions on this place, but I don’t think those people understand what’s so special about the grime, grit, and true character of this urban environment. San Francisco “holds a place in the United States’ romantic dream of itself,” and people want to dismiss it because they want more axe-throwing bars and Federales. It’s certainly not without its problems, but it’s genuine. And the people who call it home deserve to keep it genuine.

I’m not a huge fan of Dirty Harry, but the film combined with “Blue Train Lines” by King Krule and Mount Kimbie reflects a sort of anxiety I feel is present in San Francisco (and in me, pretty much all the time). It’s a cold, grayish city with punks, workers, naked people, tech vampires, hippies, and an “in-your-face-ness” that I took to immediately. So this intro is for a sort of reimagined contemporary Dirty Harry series. Enjoy.